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Wedding Day Emergency Kit: 5 Items You Must Add!

wedding day emergency kit

Wedding Day Emergency Kit: 5 Items You Must Add!

Why the Wedding Day Emergency Kit is so important

What is the Wedding Day Emergency Kit? Basically, it is one of your greatest ally during your wedding day!

Why? Because during that day there are lots of little and big inconvenients that may happen to a bride and spoil the joy and serenity she should have. And in those moments of disappointment, or anxiety, if not of real desperation it is not very easy to remain clear headed and think about a solution if you don’t have it at hand!

Yes, if your wedding reception is held at a hotel or a restaurant, many items are likely to be already available, but many others are not. And if your venue is a private villa, open only for these occasions, perhaps you’ll have to bring everything you need.

So, prepare your own Wedding Day Emergency Kit with great advance or ask your Maid of honour or your mum or sister to prepare one for you. If you have hired a wedding planner, you really don’t have to worry, because she will bring it anyway! (and that’s one of the many very good reasons to hire a wedding planner or wedding coordinator for you big day, take note!)

The number and tipology of items you should consider including in your own kit depend on many variables: your personal needs, your characteristics, the particular characteristics of the event (season, kind of venue, length of the event, and so on). Today I want to show you five of them that brides seldom think of, but that may be very very useful!

5 items you should add your own Wedding Day Emergency Kit

1. Heel covers

“Al fresco” weddings are very loved by brides: how wonderful it is to have a ceremony and/or a reception in a beautiful garden, surrounded by trees and flowers, with the heels of your amazing white shoes that graciously sink in the grass until you cannot walk anymore!

Well, this last part is definitely unpleasant but very probable, so be prepared! And be nice to your female guests and have a supply of heel covers for them, as we suggested in our list of little gifts for wedding guests.

wedding day emergency kit heel covers

Heel covers are essential for an outdoor wedding (prweb.com)

2. A spare pair of white tights

Nowadays it is normal for a bride not to wear pantyhose in summer, but if your wedding is not in summer you really have to wear tights, especially if your dress is shorter than the traditional gowns.

You don’t really want to run the risk of having a ladder on your tights on your wedding day, do you? Knowing that you have one (or even two) extra pair of tights will make you forget the anxiety.

wedding day emergency kit tights

Lovely white tights for a winter bride (intimatewedding.com)

3. Some snacks and water

The wedding day can be very long and the bride is always so busy: first the preparations and then the ceremony and then the greetings and then the photos! It may take many hours before she can sit down and have something to eat, at last!

But it is not a good idea to be without food or water for such a long time, in particular in summer because you might get dehydrated.

So prepare some food you can eat easily and a bottle of fresh water and you’ll see how useful they will be!

wedding day emergency kit snacks

Some little snacks and a bottle of water are perfect for the long wedding day (garden-of-vegan.tumblr.com)

4. Straws

This point is strictly connected with the previous one. You surely have to drink during the day, but it is much better doing it without ruining the job of your make up artist or risking to pour some water or juice on our gown right before your ceremony!

And besides, if you use straws as pretty as these ones, you don’t even have to hide them: they can perfectly fit the wedding decorations!

wedding day emergency kit straws

Colorful straws: pretty and useful! (aliexpress.com)

5. Tissues

These cannot be missing in your wedding day emergency kit!

You’ll surely use them in many occasions: to wipe away your tears of joy, to blow your nose (disadvantages of getting too emotional!), to clean your hands or to remove make up smudges from your face. So, bring more than one package with you!

wedding day emergency kit tissues

Paper tissues are always so useful! (bigcounter.net)

Have you found these tips useful? Let us know in the comments!

And if you need some consultancy about how to be prepared for your wedding day or to ask details about our wedding planning service, contact us!




Lots of (Apulian) love!
♥♥♥ Claudia
[your friendly neighborhood wedding planner]

Cover photo: DottyVintageWeddings




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  • Avatar
    Cristina Jennifer
    Posted at 22:47h, 25 Novembre Rispondi

    Il suggerimento delle cannucce è davvero intelligente! Ne terrò conto per quando dovrò preparare il mio kit! Grazie per questo articolo 🙂

    • Claudia
      Posted at 07:52h, 28 Novembre Rispondi

      Sono contenta di esserti stata utile! Per ricevere altri consigli iscriviti alla mia newsletter 😉

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