26 Mag The Wedding Budget Plan And Why You Really Need It
The risks of a wrong management of the wedding budget
It is one of the most important aspects of planning a wedding but it is not always managed correctly. What are we talking about? About the wedding budget!
Couples are very concerned about the wedding budget, of course, but they sometimes tend to have “dangerous” behaviours towards their expenses.
For examples there are couples who think that they have to save money in every possible way and that DIY can be the answer to their needs… but in the end they find out that they have spent an incredible amount of money AND time AND energies obtaining poor results.
There are other couples who start spending for the most important elements of the ceremony and reception (venue, caterer, photos, dresses), without realizing that there can be dozens of underestimated wedding costs: every detail that is added, and that was not taken into consideration before, represents a further expense, and many little expenses together may determine a huge problem! These couples often realize that they have spent much more than expected only when it is too late!
How the Wedding Budget Planner can help you
Luckily wedding planners can be a great help in this, with the Budget Plan service. And it is so important for the perfect planning of a wedding, that we propose it even as a single service, so to help also those couples who would love to do all the rest of planning by themselves!
Our Wedding Budget Plan Service
But how we, and Claudia in particular, help couples to manage their wedding costs?
The first thing is to understand the available budget, that is composed by the money the couple already have, those savings they expect to put aside during the months of preparations, and the possible economic help from the families.
Then there is the draft of a first hypothetical budget, that considers all the necessary items, especially the most important ones, with the indication of the average costs for each of them.
Critical points are pointed out carefully: these are the items whose prices could be subjected to last minute changes depending on different factors (for example: a seafood menu is not completely certain until the end, because restaurants that serve only very fresh products must rely on what is available on the market the very day).
In order to face these and other possible problems or emergencies, it is very important to set aside about the 10% of the available budget : this will be a guarantee of great peace of mind during the preparations!
Little by little all the services are booked and the wedding budget plan is continually updated accordingly, and carefully evaluated to make corrections where necessary.
It is also coordinated together with the time plan, in order to avoid another problem that couples often have: finding out that they have to pay down payments and instalments all in the same periods, causing problems of liquidity! So, bookings and payments are attentively distributed during the months, according to your needs and requirements… and we also help you to remind them! Everything will be under control!
Another important service, that is particularly useful to foreing couples, is the one about all the aspects of the commercial transactions between the couple and the various vendors, that is the payments by bank transfers from abroad, the contracts and every situation when a linguistic and cultural mediation is necessary, to guarantee that everything runs smoothly.
If this service is exactly what you need to manage your wedding budget without any problem or stress, contact us now for more details, we will be more than happy to give you advice!
Lots of (Apulian) love!
♥♥♥ Claudia
[your friendly neighborhood wedding planner]
Cover photo: Plan the day
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