31 Mar 5 Things To Tell Your Wedding Guests
Taking care of your wedding guests
Among the many aspects of a wedding, those concerning guests are perhaps the most demanding and time consuming, the majority of the decisions you take depend on them, of course!
This is even more important when you plan a destination wedding: surely a wedding abroad will have fewer guests than one “at home”, but these wedding guests will have more needs you have to take into consideration. They will have to prepare for a journey of some days in a country they perhaps know nothing about, only to be with you, so it would be nice to provide them with all the pieces of information that will make things easier for them.
Knowing in advance what they need will also be helpful to you, to understand all those not-so-wedding-related aspects that must be planned for a wedding abroad anyway.
So here are for you 5 of the most useful pieces of information for wedding guests.
5 pieces of information for wedding guests
1. Who will plan and pay for the jouney?
This is the first and most important aspect of all. Your guests will surely need to know about it as soon as possible.
You can either decide to pay for the journey and the hotel accommodation for all of your wedding guests or to let every one pay for their own. In this last case, it would be nice to consider this expense as the wedding gift: don’t expect them to pay even more to buy something, their presence is already a precious gift!
You can also decide to offer your guests the hotel stay for, as an example, three days, and if they decide to stay longer they will pay for the rest.
In any case, it is better if you find the hotel for all of them, so that you can stay together in the same place. And don’t forget to inform everybody with due advance so that they have time to plan their holidays, arrange everything at their workplaces and book flights if they have to.
2. What about the country where the wedding will take place?
You can’t take for granted that all of your guests are at ease with the idea of travelling abroad or that they already have enough information about the country you have chosen for your ceremony.
So, be prepared to answer many questions of this kind (or better, don’t wait for them to ask, tell them in advance):
– Do I need to have a vaccination to go there? (here in Italy, you don’t 🙂 );
– What documents do I have to take with me?
– What’s the weather like in the period of your wedding? (and note that in Italy the climate can change according to the regions, as the territory is so different from north to south!)
– What about money change?
– and the list could go on forever…
3. What about the wedding venue?
This is an important thing to consider in order to decide what to wear: not only the style of the ceremony influences the dress code but also the kind of venue.
Will the ceremony be on a beach? And what kind of beach (rocky, sandy)? Or will it be in a country venue, with a lot of grass, or gravel? Will the reception be mainly indoor or outdoor?
You certainly don’t want your guests, especially women, to feel uncomfortably the whole day just because their wedding outfit is totally unsuitable for the place, do you?
4. What about the other days of stay?
Surely your guests will want to know what they will be expected to do during the days before and after the wedding.
You might like to plan in advance some activities to do all together, or things they can do while you and your future spouse are busy with the last details of the preparations. Or you can decide not to plan anything in particular and just give them a list of things they can do if they want, leaving them free to decide for themselves.
In both cases, here in Apulia you can find many activities you can propose your wedding guests: food&wine tastings, different kinds of sports, horse riding, guided tours, boat excursions… they’ll be spoilt for choice!
5. What about the transportations?
Or better said: how will all your wedding guests be transported from one place to the other during the whole stay? This means from the airport to the hotel, from the hotel to the wedding venue and back (in case they are separate venues), and all the other movements during the other days.
You can rent a shuttle bus to transport them to and fro or you can supply them with a list of numbers for taxi and car rental, leaving them free to choose the solution they prefer.
I bet you now are thinking: “Wow! These are quite a few things to think about and plan!” Yes, they are, but I’m sure you want your wedding guests to be as much comfortable and happy as possible!
In case you need some help to follow all these task, we can do that! Have a look at our Service page and contact us for more information!
Lots of (Apulian) love!
♥♥♥ Claudia
[your friendly neighborhood wedding planner]
Cover photo: BrideBox
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